Woman almost raped on way to church

She was walking through an alley in Bridgetown on her way to church when a man blocked her path and pushed her down before attempting to rape her.

This was part of the statement a 54-year-old woman gave to police in the matter of Jason Jamar Newton, 37, of no fixed place of abode, who admitted last month in the No. 4A Supreme Court before Madam Justice Wanda Blair that he attempted to have sex with the woman on March 8, 2020 without her consent, knowing that she did not consent or was reckless as to whether she did. He also pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting the woman.

Senior State Counsel Joyann Catwell told the court that the woman was making her way to church that Sunday morning when she turned through the alley close to Cave Shepherd on Broad Street and saw a man on his phone sitting on a bench. She knew him by seeing him whenever she passed that location, but they had never spoken to each other.

Another man walked up behind her and came along her right side before stopping in front of her, blocking her path. He pushed her in her chest and she fell back, hurting her lower back.

The man, who she saw clearly, stood over her, pulled her dress up to her waist before struggling to pull down her tights and underwear. The woman said she fought with her attacker while screaming, “Leff me, leff me!”

She said he pulled down her pants, picked her up and attempted to rape her while standing but as she shouted for help, she heard someone say “leff she” three times and saw the man she had passed on the bench coming towards them. Her attacker, Newton, then zipped up his pants and ran off. The other man asked her if she was okay, turned his back while she dressed and took her to Central Police Station.

In his statement, Newton told police that he was talking to some girls by Cave Shepherd when he saw an old woman heading to Cherish Supermarket, and he began walking and talking with her. He said he began touching her private parts and a man stopped him and he walked off.

Justice Wanda Blair ordered a pre-sentence report and adjourned the matter until April 19. Newton remains on remand at Dodds Prison.

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