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Worrell caught with ‘coke’

by Barbados Today
1 min read

courtA 45-year-old man with 23 crystalline cocaine rocks in a bottle will spend the next 28 days housed at the Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds.

Everett Nigel Worrell, of no fixed place of abode, will be on remand until September 20 after pleading guilty to charges of possession, possession with intent to
supply, and possession with intent to traffic $230 worth of the illegal substance on August 24.

Sergeant Kevin Forde told the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court presided by Magistrate Douglas Frederick that Worrell was first spotted by police while sitting on a bench. When he saw the police
however, he attempted to flee and throw a bottle containing the substance at the same time.

“Wanna find me with it. That’s a bad habit and a wrong choice,” he told police about the 1.95 grammes of cocaine.

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