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PdP picks by-election candidate

by Barbados Today
4 min read

Two years after contesting the St James North seat as a member of the Solutions Barbados party, businessman David Waldron will be in the race to represent the St George North constituency under the banner of another opposition group, Barbados TODAY understands.

The announcement is expected to be made on Saturday during a press conference of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP) led by Opposition Leader Joseph Atherley and of which Waldron is a member.

“There were several people interested in running [as the PdP’s candidate] but we settled on David,” revealed a source within the party.

“The executive heard the reports and came to the conclusion that David would be the best candidate… and he will be the candidate barring some unforeseen circumstance.”

Late last week, while canvassing in Salters, St George, Waldron told Barbados TODAY that he has previously served St George North communities as chairman of the District Emergency Organization, constituency council member, and consultant to the Ministry of Agriculture on the eradication of the giant African snail.

On this occasion, he has vowed to tackle unemployment, crime, land-ownership issues, and a number of infrastructural projects that were started but left to linger under the current administration.

“I am a community person and I have always felt comfortable working with the people of St George North, so here I am. At this stage, I am now ready to offer myself to the people of St George North,” Waldron told reporters in a recent interview.

“What is most important to me is proper representation in St George . . . , meaning that we practise a politics that is participatory, where residents are consulted and where the politician truly knows the people and not just their friends. My desire is to bring participatory politics to St George North where everybody is recognised,” he added.

The Justice of the Peace and former educator also suggested that Clarke’s 26-year stint as MP was because of the absence of a viable alternative.

The Justice of the Peace and former educator also suggested that Clarke’s 26-year stint as MP was because of the absence of a viable alternative.

“If there is no challenge, then there is nothing to compare you to. So whatever [Clarke] did was more than what anybody else did or could do because there was no challenge. I will not put him down. He represented and I met people who say he did well for them and, in my opinion, he did good enough. But I believe we need to move it to the next level now,” added Waldron.

The PdP will be the fifth party to name a candidate in the election that is slated for November 11, and according to Waldron, the departure of Clarke as longtime MP presented candidates with a level playing field.

But he turned his attention to Independent Senator and Barbados Workers’ Union General Secretary Toni Moore, whose decision to contest the seat as a BLP member has been met with tremendous criticism.

“It will always be like walking a tightrope because it is one thing to represent the party, but it is another thing to represent the people, and the people have to make a decision as to whether this person in labour is truly going to be able to represent their cause or if this person will always be pulling party lines,” he said.

In 2018, Waldron received a meagre 76 votes when he contested the St James North seat against a slew of candidates, including BLP representative Edmund Hinkson who won the seat handsomely with 3 716 votes. He later joined the PdP.

“The PdP has a good strong mix of vibrant politicians and very intelligent politicians who have very progressive plans for this country and that is why I have been so involved in the PdP. It is because I have met a set of progressive people who think very highly of Barbados, love this country, and truly want to contribute to the development of this country,” Waldron explained. (KS)

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