NewsOpinion #BTColumn – COVID-19 vaccine hysteria akin to a cult by Barbados Today Traffic 28/02/2021 written by Barbados Today Traffic 28/02/2021 2 min read A+A- Reset Share FacebookTwitterLinkedinWhatsappEmail 202 Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today. by Jasmine Yearwood Regarding the new goalpost of vaccine “herd Immunity” in exchange for having our basic human rights back, since when did the presence of an infectious disease create cause to disregard bodily autonomy? Since the media decided to cause a panic about COVID-19 in particular? Are individuals also obligated to take every single other vaccine for every single other infectious disease based on state or group pressure? Statistically, COVID-19 is a relatively high risk to a fraction of the population – those with comorbidites. The reasonable response is to allow those with comorbidites, or anyone who is fearful, the choice to be vaccinated to reduce their likelihood of developing severe complications. But we have jumped into this mass psychosis of disproptionate response. It has become irrational and almost cult-like. We are being required to think, feel and behave the same way. You Might Be Interested In Crystal Beckles-Holder, 2nd runner up in regional competition Business owners disappointed Police investigate shooting Why must we demand that everyone, regardless of their actual personal risk assessment, be cowed into conformity with the group? A young, healthy person opting not to take the vaccine and is confident in the function of their immune system only affects you to the point of having a modicum of a case for demanding they forego their bodily autonomy if you choose not to get vaccinated yourself. Why does your choice over what you do with your body supercede theirs? The original concern was overloading the health system. For that concern to be addressed, you only need the vulnerable populations to be vaccinated. Not the healthy people who are statistically unlikely to require hospitalisation. When did the goalpost move from “let’s not overwhelm the health system” to “everyone must conform to undergoing this medical procedure to avoid anyone ever getting even mildly sick”. Is that reasonable? This COVID-19 hysteria is becoming very much like a cult. Perhaps a big collective deep breath and a readjustment toward reason over fear is necessary. Barbados Today Traffic You may also like Walters urges govt to avert cost of living rise due to port... 12/02/2025 Protecting student privacy – The urgent need for stronger data policies in... 11/02/2025 #BTColumn – Making our roads safe 09/02/2025