Consumers will pay more for gasoline, diesel and kerosene, but less for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) products, effective midnight, Sunday, June 5.
The price of gasoline will be $4.41 per litre, an increase of three cents, while diesel will go up by 1 cent to $4.04 per litre, and kerosene will move to $2.63, an increase of 23 cents.
The retail price of LPG will now be $170.42 for the 100-lb cylinder; $ 47.71 for the 25-lb cylinder; $42.15 for the 22-lb cylinder and $38.31 for the 20-lb cylinder.
In an effort to protect consumers from the full increase of refined petroleum products, Government announced the capping of the Value Added Tax on gasoline and diesel in this year’s Budget and Financial Proposal.  However, in light of increasing oil prices internationally, the prices had to be adjusted upward for June.