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Sagicor urges Barbadians to take fire prevention, preparation seriously

by Barbados Today
2 min read

 “Fire won’t wait.  Plan your escape” was the theme for Fire Prevention Week 2022, which was observed internationally during the month of October. It was also the message being shared with Barbadians by Sagicor General Insurance Inc (SGI), as they urged every individual, family, community, school, business, and the like, to have a plan of action in the event of a fire.     

From October 9 to 15, the company took the opportunity to engage with clients and partners to underscore the need for the implementation of adequate prevention measures, in addition to outlining an evacuation plan to take individuals quickly away from harm, in the unfortunate event that a fire was to occur. 

Patrick Hinkson, SGI’s General Manager, spoke to the role technological devices can play in this regard. “Key to the development and implementation of a successful evacuation plan are early warning systems. The installation of smoke detectors and other devices can go a very long way towards preventing the loss of life and reducing the economic and material impact of fires,” he said.

He also made the point that it is not enough to simply install these devices and systems, emphasizing the need for individuals to be educated on how they work and what they need to pay attention to. “To be effective, early warning systems need to be a part of an overall strategy that includes the education and training of all individuals at risk, thereby increasing their awareness and creating a constant state of preparedness.”

In recognition of the week, SGI donated a number of smoke detectors to the Thelma Vaughn Memorial Home, to aid in the development of an early warning system for its residents. Leticia St. John, Matron of the facility thanked Sagicor General for their act of kindness and noted that the devices would be deployed across the facility, in the common dining areas as well as the corridors leading to the dormitories. (PR)

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