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Sir Trevor challenges UWI graduates to face challenges with confidence

by Shamar Blunt
3 min read

Face regional challenges with confidence and determination. This was the strong message conveyed by Sir Trevor Hassell on Saturday during an address to this year’s graduates at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus.

Sir Trevor, who was also awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) during the morning ceremony, urged the graduates to draw inspiration from the academics who came before them and to emulate their qualities as they confront the region’s challenges.

“I urge you to learn the stories of our Caribbean heroes. Use them to inspire and motivate you in the next phase of your journey and beyond. As you do so, you would recognise that certain features and qualities recur, but can be drawn on to your advantage,” he said.

“Many of our heroes recognised our common heritage, and the need for us to work together to improve the circumstances of our people. The region is inhabited by a rich mix of what I like to refer to as forever hopeful people. So it is with you, today’s brightest and best, present and future and future leaders, that our hope resides.”

Sir Trevor, who is the founder and past President of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and past Chairman of the Barbados National NCD Commission,  stressed that as the region continues to face mounting social, economic, and health-related challenges, graduates must use their knowledge and earned expertise to form sustainable solutions to benefit citizens.

Additionally, he also implored them to find their passion in volunteerism.

He said, “This is an area that I encourage you — whatever might be your discipline — to pursue. Include some level of volunteerism in your activities. Winston Churchill said it well, ‘We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give’. Volunteerism is a win win activity, critical to personal and professional development, and institutional and nation building. Volunteerism provides a chance for you to be part of addressing some of the biggest challenges of the region, and even the world. Volunteerism allows us to walk the talk, acting in accordance with our beliefs and values.”

The international advocate for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) stressed that as students now venture off into the wider world with their new degrees, they must embrace opportunities willingly and take full control of their future.

“You should not wait for doors to be opened, but you should open them yourselves. Your experience at this university has placed you in an excellent position to do so. This is your time, your moment, grasp it with both hands.”

More than 1,300 proud graduands will walk across the stage to receive their diplomas during the day’s two ceremonies. (SB)

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