On this day, May ninth, in the year of Our Lord 2021, and in this space, we the sons and daughters of this fair land: infant, adolescent, adult and senior, Express with loud and singular voice sincerest gratitude to God Most High for the institution of Motherhood.
We salute with greatest honour all mothers of all races and ages, past, present and those pregnant with embodied hope.
Under God:
You have given birth to family, to community, to humanity…
You have raised our world and we are pleased to enthrone you Queen of The Universe…
YOU are the best expression of humanity most complete, of heroism most gallant, of hope most tried and most enduring…
You have given your bosom to nurse the greatest, your heart to the unloveable, your hand to shape a creation…
YOU are applauded today for your gentleness, appreciated today for your generosity, acclaimed today for your grace…
YOU are resourceful beyond means, resilient beyond might, and redemptive beyond our darkest deeds…
YOU have clearly been fashioned, fitted and favoured by the Greatest. Every day and for all times, but particularly so on this your special day…
We hail you…
We honour you…
We happily bless you.