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Religious faiths urged to come together to tackle issues

by Barbados Today
3 min read

Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Kirk Humphrey has suggested there is a need for members of the various religious communities in Barbados to find common ground.

Speaking during the launch of Sabir Nakhuda’s book, The Footsteps of Abraham: The Prophets of God – Abraham,  Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them), on Monday night, Humphrey said this would be beneficial to all parties.

“The need for religions to find common ground is vital in a constantly changing world,” he said.

Describing Nakhuda’s work as a timely addition to efforts to bring the various faiths together, the Minister added: “This closer relationship will facilitate cooperation in areas that are mutually beneficial and will ensure that faith communities can speak in unison on issues that affect all Barbadians.”

Humphrey said that while Christianity is the dominant religion in Barbados, people had to open up to other views.

“The challenge faced for countries like Barbados is that because of the path of history a dominant faith grouping emerged, which like all experiences, was the coloniser’s religion. This practice can be seen even in the scriptures where the conquering nation’s god was seen as the greater power for those fighting in their name…. It is required that we shift our focus from numerical superiority or perceived exclusive world view to a realisation that there are many viewpoints, cultures and people in this world,” he said.

Members of the Christian and Muslim communities attended the launch of Nakhuda’s third published book at the St Paul’s Conference Centre, Bayville, St Michael.

During his address, the author said it was important to leave a legacy for generations to come.

“We need to tell them how we grew up because it was so different from how they are growing up. We would be doing a disservice to them if we don’t tell them, because they can then pass it on to their children and that is how we can build generations of people who can recall the experiences of their grandparents,” he said.

Nakhuda recalled that his interest in writing about comparative religion began at the Modern High School where his views as a Muslim and the views of his Christian teacher clashed, resulting in his expulsion from class.

“I think him chasing me out of the class is the reason we are here [at this book launch]. I started studying comparative religion and got involved in a lot of interfaith dialogues,” he said.

Nakhuda made the point that Islam, Judism and Christianity were close-knit sister religions and called for greater inter-faith collaborations locally.

“We need to build bridges. Bridges connect but white walls divide and bridges serve as our lifeline so we have to maintain and keep that connection,” he contended.

“During the month of Ramadan, we would invite our Christian friends for breaking the fast…. We would invite our Christian friends so they can see how Muslims break fasts, and join in our festivities and learn more. We want people who live in Barbados to know Muslims and Christians are coming together and that is the way that we need to continue to build bridges, and writing this book is an example of how we build bridges.”

Nakhuda’s two previous books, Bengal to Barbados and Muslims of CARICOM were both sold out and had to be reprinted.

His newest work can be found on the Facebook Page of @BengaltoBarbados or through book manager Suleiman Bulbilia.

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