Local NewsSpeaking Out A call for national unity, prayer, and a return to God by Barbados Today 25/09/2024 written by Barbados Today 25/09/2024 5 min read A+A- Reset Image source Freepik.com Share FacebookTwitterLinkedinWhatsappEmail 762 Our families, communities and parishes are being torn apart by the recent spate of violence. Our faith as a nation is truly being tested at a higher level than ever before. We recently experienced the death of four young men in a shooting in our capital city, Bridgetown, and the subsequent surrender to the police of the young man who is alleged to have been the target. We, the concerned citizens in our nation, have an obligation to respond to such an escalation of crime and violence because it’s affecting our homes, our educational institutions, our businesses, our communities and the livelihood of all citizens. It is destroying the lives, dignity and aspirations of many of our people. This fear of violence is paralysing – and at the same time, polarising – our communities, and the celebration of violence in some musical lyrics, some video games, and on some social media platforms is not helping the situation. Beyond the physical violence in our communities is the mental and emotional violence in our hearts – hostility, hatred, anger, hopelessness, fear and revenge are at the heart of a growing culture of violence in our island. Pornography and the wukkup culture are assaulting the dignity of women and contribute, in some way, to the violence against them. This is disturbing. The social fabric of our society is torn apart by this culture of crime, violence, drugs, guns and the love of money, that leaves many young men dead on our streets, and families plunged into mourning and fear in their homes. Sadly, in the midst of this escalation of violence, our society seems to be growing numb to the loss of human life and suffering. An island, birthed as a Christian nation, committed to life, freedom, peace and the pursuit of joy, is haunted by murders, imprisoned by fear and caught up in the elusive pursuit of protection rather than happiness. With this increase in violent murders, our Island is headed in the wrong direction. To date, I think there have been about 40 homicides so far for the year. But life was not always like this in Barbados, and it really does not have to continue in this way. We can make a concerted effort to turn from a life of violence and crime and rebuild our communities as safe places of peace and safety, loving one another, and having respect for others. The Bible says in Matt 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” This begins with a clear conviction of utmost respect for human life, which is a fundamental moral principle of the Word of God. This must also be driven by an approach to life that values people over material things. Having respect for human life must guide the choices we make as individuals. You Might Be Interested In Enlightened rastafari Twistory again! Time is running out Having a great regard for human life and an appreciation for families is the place to start, as we seek to confront a culture of crime and violence. The Church (The Body of Christ) in this nation, cannot sit by and ignore the sordid moral decline and the great loss of human life (especially our young men) due to this escalating rise of crime and violence in our little island. The Church must join with the government, law enforcement agencies and other concerned organisations to drastically reduce this violent activity. The Church can bring the life-transforming Word of God with strong conviction and also give vital spiritual counsel which can enrich the national dialogue on ways and means to overcome the crime and violence ripping our nation apart. God is calling our people back to prayer, seeking Him with all our hearts and surrendering our lives to His purpose. I am aware that prayer alone cannot do it and neither can ‘nice words’ stop guns from being fired. But a change of heart, with the conviction and conversion of souls, can change us, and together we can embark upon changing our culture and rebuilding strong, safe, peaceful, Godfearing communities again. Family by family, young men and women, village by village, community by community, parish by parish, we must rescue our dear loving nation from this scourge of evil, lawlessness, wickedness, fear and death that is associated with so much crime and violence, drugs, guns, revenge and the love of money. As the church community in this nation, we believe that our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ gives us the confidence, boldness, the right value system, godly kingdom principles, hope and vision, that can make Barbados a much safer place to live, find gainful employment, support and educate our families, establish businesses and live peaceful and productive lives, adding positive benefits to developing a prosperous nation. God in His abundant love for man, is calling our nation back to Him. “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7) “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Fellow Barbadians, residents and visitors, God loves you. Return to Almighty God. Shalom! Reverend David Durant Barbados Today Stay informed and engaged with our digital news platform. The leading online multimedia news resource in Barbados for news you can trust. You may also like Student ‘absence’ from Agrofest despite midterm break 22/02/2025 QEH: Another significant surge in patient numbers at AED 22/02/2025 Prime Minister Mottley pays tribute to late historian Pedro Welch 22/02/2025